
complexity to us

We bring together scientific methods, data, technology, and advanced analytics to support the decision-making process in your organization.

Are Your Organization Benefiting from its Research Results?

We are a research-based organization that beside our rigorous scientific methods and standards, we take it to the next level to show our clients how to use it and simplify the results in our decision-support dashboards to make it ready for decision makers whenever they need to take a decision.

IDM Services

Research-Based Decision Support

We execute primary and secondary research to problem solving, option analysis, strategy execution actions, regulatory impact analysis, chaos and complexity risk analysis and mitigation plans.

Unlocking your Data Potentials

Are your data ready for decision making?
IDM provides Decision support enablement of your data potentials, database quality analysis, database improvement, automation of analytics, and decision dashboards. Report generation and commercialization  

Powerful External Data

Measurement and monitoring of external data to support decision making including: customer experience, consumer behavior, customer satisfaction, national survey, surveillance systems

Building your Prediction Model

Predictive model—A mechanism that predicts a behavior of an individual or a process, such as click, buy, lie, or die. It takes some characteristics of the individual or process as input, and provides a predictive score as output. The higher the score, the more likely it is that the individual will exhibit the predicted behavior.
IDM can help you create a high-validity predection model to monitor your clients or processes. 

IDM Can Make Your Data Ready for Decision Support. Informed Decision Making can Fix Strategies and Make it Reality



IDM is famous of its interactive decision dashboards which convert meanning-less raw data into an easy to understand visuaization to help our clients monitor their operations and make the right decisions that is supported by high quality data analysis.

Check out how we convert the Sharik Health Indicators Surveillance System (SHISS) into an interactive decision dashboard that can help decision maker to make customze public health intervetions based on the need for each demographic segment.

We Deliver on Our Promise

We care about the impact we made for our clients and are ready to help them to reach their destination

Interactive Report Design

Interactive Report Design

Successful businesses have many things in common, today we’ll look at the big ‘E’of Elegance in our final products.

Elegance can be illustrated by transforming your data into an attractive, interactive report that will show your audience how much you care when delivering your final report.

‘Why do statistics matter? In simple terms, they are the evidence on which policies are built. They help to identify needs, set goals and monitor progress. Without good statistics, the development process is blind: policy-makers cannot learn from their mistakes’ (World Bank, 2000: vii).

Decision-making by itself is vast domain consisting of tools, theories, and practices used to support and understand the decision-making process. ( IDM White Paper 1, 2021)
Evidence-Based Decision-Making details an explicit process describing how the available and applicable evidence, which includes organizational and external data, industry benchmarks, scientific studies, and professional experience, can be assessed, amalgamated, and funneled into an objective driver of key business decisions. (Andrew D. Banasiewicz, 2017)

Utilization of scientific methods to generate evidence that can influence the decision making in an organization or at least be a considerable factor in the decision-making process. ( IDM White Paper 1, 2021)


IDM on the Intentionality Spectrum

We Are
An Impact-Driven Business that Makes a Real Difference

We uses sophisticated type of responsible investing (ESG) Environmental, Social and Governance investing, which assesses ESG risks and seeks ESG opportunities to help improve IDM’s long-term, risk-adjusted financial returns. We encourage and support our valuable clients and partners to implement business  sustainability and impact and embed it within their business model.

IDM Great, Knowledgeable team will solve all your challenges via our informed decision making services.

We carefully study and strive to deeply understand our clients problem and provide very flexabel strategic plans and execution methods to help our clients achieve their goals.

We are flexable to go with you all the way!
IDM is unique in everything.
  • We are unique by our highly profeesional and knowledgable team
  • We are uniqe by our innovative technique and skills
  • We are unique by our patented and copywrited technologies and methods.

IDM isAwesomeUniqueDynamic

Great, Knowledgeable team to solve all your challenges.
We use scientific methods at every step in our work.

Our Unique evidence-based decision model


IDM Vision

To be the leading impact-driven organization in the development and innovation of informed decision-making processes and tools.

Reduction in Operation Cost
Loyalty & Retention
Dedicated support
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